Top 5 easiest ways to earn money online without investment
1.By making blogs
making blogs are very tough but if you are a creative person its very easy for you,
to make blogs we need a good domain and a hosting if you want to earn without
any investment then try with the blogger site which gives you a chance to make
to have a free domain, but here you have a limitations and some disadvantages
2.By making webstories
making webstories is the easiest job or work you can do and is the easiest
way of earning more money we can make webstories on the basis of daily
news , content or any topic which will make it viral or discoverable
3.By writing a review
many people dont that google also pay there costumer for reviewing the places
on google maps like if you have visited any place nearby you you have to give
starts or rate them for which you get the points
4.By making videos
This is most popular way of earning by which many people earn thousands of dollars
by just posting videos online and showing there creativity on youtube or instagram
5.By streaming on facebook
This is the hardest way among all of them as it take time to build that amount of
community which is required to monitize your page ,but if this method works then
you will money like a entrepreneur
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